Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Stop Motion-Nour and Malía

This is the first version of one of our video projects. It is made up of a series of photos from three different locations, the airport, the highway that runs along the boardwalk parallel to the ocean, and Place de L'etoile, in the center of Downtown on the evening of Easter Sunday.

The audio and some of the sequencing still needs adjusting.

I really like the way that the long exposure on the photographs makes the people look very ghostly, and makes all the locations feel otherworldly. There is a general feeling in Beirut of being between things, with a combination of old and new, chaos and order.

As a video made for a small screen, not all of the sections are succesful. This image has very low contrast and the image is very busy.
I think that this image is much easier to see on a small screen, and the moving image is basically light on a very dark background.

1 comment:

  1. Outstanding work, you two! Some of my photographs from LIU show Nour thinking hard about her writing for the narration and it has really paid off here. I loved the music, especially the 'unsettling' strings over the night-time scenes. Can't wait to see the next one.
